Tuesday 17 November 2009

For a taste that's out of this world: moon water may one day be on tap

So the Man in the Moon has water to wash down his cheese...

After the damp squib of the moon-crash on 9th October, the data have now been more closely examined and there is water on the moon. Water exists within the permanently-shadowed lunar craters of the southern pole and the deliberate crash kicked up ~100kg of ice and vapour within the mile-high plume of debris. Whilst that won't satisfy the thirst of a team of astronauts, let alone the population of of a permanent lunar outpost, it does indicate that there may be reserves at the southern pole that can be plumbed for human use. There's no evidence of whether it would be drinkable, so we won't be holding our breath for "Moon Water" appearing in our Supermarkets just yet. It might be combined with contaminants that require complex purifcation systems to release the water - it's unlikely that simple filtration will do the job.

Whilst still in office, George W. Bush had wanted a $100billion+ plan to return to the moon that would then stretch on to Mars. Barak Obama is hedging his bets: appointing a special panel of experts to examine the entire moon exploration programme. In September, tiny amounts of water were found in the lunar soil all over the surface of the moon. However, the October 9th mission is a strong confirmation that may help tip the balance of Obama's decision-making process.

Whilst waiting for your trip to the moon, you can visit Just Water Now's website at www.juswaternow.com for our range of water-filtration products that will make your tap water taste out of this world!

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